"I come from a proud EM-S ISD family for the past three generations. I want to work for you. We need to create a better work environment for our teachers/staff, improve our schools/buses, and make student safety a top priority. With nearly two decades of government experience, I know what it takes to find solutions, navigate complicated governmental agencies, and get things done." - Trent
Attended EM-S ISD from K-12
Attended Odessa College for Fire Education
Attended Cedar Valley College for Law Enforcement Education
Attended Texas A&M Commerce and received my Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice
We must start planning for the future of the district now. With EM-S ISD being one of the fastest growing districts in DFW. Bonds are an important part of that growth planning. The district must work with local governments to establish a clear plan for our infrastructure.
It is not news to you that the state of school safety is on decline nationwide. The district has taken the initiative by establishing its own police/security force. We must assure that all safety equipment/cameras are up to date and working properly. With my knowledge in law enforcement, I can work closely with the police department and assist them in their mission to protect every student at EM-S ISD.
I want to provide an environment that is fun, safe and conducive to education and learning. We need to get back to the basic fundamentals of education to help improve our test scores. The educational environment for teachers and staff needs to be one of absolute support from the administration. We can do that by instilling a sense of family and community within the district.
Special education is a priority for me. We should continue our path for excellence in special education and assuring every SPED kid has what they need to be successful in the district. We must incentivize our current and future special education staff. We must create a plan to help retain and recruit new employees to help assist our SPED teachers.
EM-S ISD is a fast growing district with a big budget. It is our responsibility to make sure we are spending the dollars in the right places and being responsible with the taxpayer funds.